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It's More Likely That
Your Child Is Not Shy
Reasons & What Can Be Done
Stop Making Boring Conversations
Most of us adults try to make conversations that are irrelevant, repetitive or simply boring for children. In our sessions, we begin with asking the right questions to the child, something that's in her current sphere of interest.
Your Child Is A Keen Observer
As parents we should realize that such a child needs to observe, process it and find the right occasions to express her thoughts or feelings. In our sessions we try to engage the children in activities that utilize her power of observation and that becomes a vital contribution to the group task.
Likes More To Listen Than Talk
Some children have sharp listening skills which are important for learning, collaboration and leadership. Drama works amazingly well to help children to put their listening skills to creative uses and to share their toughs freely.
Likes To Write Or Draw More
We see a number of children who prefer to write or draw to express themselves rather than talking, which is normal and should not be a thing to worry about. In our sessions we use drama activities that involve children in discussions and research, which lead to writing and drawing.
There Is More That
Drama Can Do For Your Child
Join The Core Drama Program
The program helps your child to develop life skills, multiple-intelligence and performance skills through the medium of drama.
Wonders: 4 to 6 Years
Curious: 7 to 10 Years
Seekers:11 to 13 Years
Performers:14 to 17 Years
Conducted Online. Join From Anywhere.
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